Tag Archives: Running

The First Week Back

28 Aug

After nearly four and a half months spent at home upon returning from London, and a summer filled with bumpin’ tunes, great times with great people, and incredible memories, I’m back in Muncie for the advent of my junior year at Ball State University. It’s been really great to see my friends and roommates that I haven’t seen since last December, but it’s also been a busy first week back at school. I’m fortunate enough to be able to return to Indiana Public Radio, where I’m looking forward to being as active as I can. I was only able to spend my fall semester at IPR last fall before I left for London, and I’m glad to be back in a familiar workplace.

I turn 21 five days after “All Beers Considered”. I think it would be fun to write about this.

There was some last minute running around during the first week, though, as I hurried to rectify a schedule error in order to avoid adjusting my entire schedule. However, thanks to the accommodating Telecommunications department here at school, I was able to enroll in my required class and return with a full class schedule.

Admittedly, I was slightly overwhelmed (Understatement: I was overwhelmed) at first with my daily schedule after settling into a comfortable groove over the long summer, staying on top of my work will prove to be a healthy challenge. I’ll be firing this blog back up again, for mostly academic-related posts, but I do want to continue to post recreationally, in addition to becoming confident and comfortable with my own writing. By recreational posts, I mean writing that don’t necessarily pertain to school assignments, for example, I’m beginning to train for a half marathon tomorrow morning with a good friend I met through WCRD, and I’d like to share my training progress.

Upon realizing that this semester was going to be a busy one.

Plus, there’s some great movies coming out this fall, which I can’t wait to see, and along with my roommates (three film enthusiasts), contribute some opinions regarding the films we do get around to seeing. I’ve got all these things I’d love to do this semester, but I’ve got to follow-through. It’s all about the follow-through.


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